Using Account Ranges in Row Sets

Ranges can be used to define the list of accounts to return in your row sets, without specifically naming each account.


A range consists of two accounts where you want to retrieve data for those two accounts and every value between those two. This is indicated by usingTObetween your start and end value of your range. Alpha characters are also supported in an account range.

Note:  You must use a space before and after TO in order to ensure clear distinction of your start and end range values.

An example could be:A to Z ; to return all values from A, A11, B2, Cetc. to Z.


Wildcards can be used in combination with account ranges and mathematical calculations. When a single-segment or multi-segmentClosedMost organizations use an account structure that separates business entities into different categories. A fully qualified account contains a value for the natural segment, for example, Cash or Sales, as well as values for additional segments, for example, Location, Division and Department. The following figure demonstrates how the natural segment and the Identifying segments combine to form a fully qualified account number.

range includes wildcard characters (?), Sage Intelligence Reporting determines the low and high ends of the range, and then includes all values between those ends, inclusive.

Filter Description Result
200-00-00 to 220-00-50 Filter all accounts from 200-00-00 up to and including 220-00-50 200-00-00, 200-00-01 200-00-02 up to 220-00-50
4?5-00-00 to 4?5-03-03 Filter accounts with first segment ranging from 405 up to and including 495 and second and third segments ranging from 00-00 up to and including 03-03.

Tip: If you wanted to only include accounts with the first segment starting with a 4 and ending with a 5, you could use a reporting tree unit with a filter of 4?5-??-?? to further filter the results.

Sage Intelligence Reporting will determine the low end of the range which is 405-00-00 and the high end of the range which is 495-03-03 and return all accounts between the ends inclusive.405-00-00 up to and including 495-03-03 which would include for example, account 406-01-02.

Tip: Use account ranges to ensure new accounts being added to the general ledger are included in your reports.